
hive is a convenient CLI utility that enables you to manage the indexer, or spin up the JSON-RPC server.


~/G/s/hive % hive -h
Usage: hive [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The *hive* CLI manages database, indexer and the server.

  For more detailed information on a command and its flags, run:
      hive COMMAND --help

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  db       Database Level Operations.
  indexer  Parse the blockchain and index the MySQL...
  server   HTTP server for answering DB queries

Database Commands

Create initial MySQL tables.

hive db ensure-schema

Server Commands

Spin up a JSON-RPC server.

hive server dev-server --port 1234

Indexer Commands

Syncing with Blockchain:

hive indexer from-file /path/to/blocks.json.lst

hive indexer from-steem

Head Block Status:

% hive indexer show-status
| steemd   | hive    | Difference |
| 11482113 | 5723313 | 5758800    |